RGPSoft Software Development

F.A.Q. about Calus Software


Frequently asked questions that you have been asked us about the software and to which we have given an answer:

+ Calus is free?
The software can be tried freely and in the inactive version has these limitations:
1) You can enter up to 250 items
2) You can enter up to 100 mouvements
3) You can enter up to 100 invoices
4) You can enter up to 100 orders
5) You can enter up to 250 between customers or suppliers

Once activated with a serial code that must be purchased online, the software no longer has these limitations.

So the answer is "depends", if you have a small business reality you can also use Calus for free.
+ To activate the software, what should I do?
The entire process is fully automated, one of our partners ( PayPro ) is responsible for selling the serial code, send it via e-mail and also think about the bill. Within the software you can do everything on the menu "Program -> Activation" and follow the instructions.
+ If I have to change the computer also buy another serial code?
No, you must deactivate on the old computer and activate on the new one, that's all.
+ How do I share data between multiple workstations?
To share a single database ( .mdb Access Database ) on the same LAN ( Local Area Network ) you have to backup your data in a shared folder with write and read access ( use the main menu of the software ), then change the connection ( on the main menu of the software ) on each workstation which has to use this database, using JET 4.0 OLEDB Provider and selecting the shared previous shared file in the second step.
+ The software does not take pictures because they are too large, how should I do?
Images can't be over 150 KB, to minimize the picture you can:
  1. Resize the image with a radio 1.3, for example 800x600 or 1024x768 and so on.
  2. Minimize the resolution.
  3. Save the picture in jpeg or jpg format.
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